1-2 Chronicles

Please find the following files offered: 

1. Avoiding Misunderstandings in Some Difficult Places in 2 Chronicles

Comments & recommendations. 26 pages.

The book of 2 Chronicles includes some difficult text passages. A clear translation can only be achieved if we first gain a good understanding of the text ourselves. I take up some of the problems and comment on them in detail. 

2. The Leaders of the Levites in 1-2 Chronicles

An overview. 3 pages.

As we read through Chronicles, we pick up more and more expressions for various leaders among the Levites. For a translator, who needs to come up with fitting words in his language, it might be helpful to know beforehand, how many offices he needs to distinguish. I offer a list to help with that.

3. Where does “Israel” mean “Judah” in 2 Chronicles?

A checklist. 3 pages.  

The commentators agree that the Chronicler sometimes uses יִשְׂרָאֵל Yiśrā’ēl “Israel” where he has Judah in view. However, they do not fully agree where this is the case. In order to make it easier for translation teams to address this issue, I offer a list which gives all references where Yiśrā’ēl refers either clearly or arguably to Judah (or to both Israel and Judah), and includes brief remarks regarding the interpretation.

I also take up the question where אֶפְרַיִם Eprayim “Ephraim” might refer to the whole northern kingdom Israel.

4. דרשׁ dāraš ‘seek’ in 1-2 Kings and 1-2 Chronicles

A note on a key term. 3 pages.

דרשׁ drš occurs 165x altogether. 41 of these cases appear in 1-2 Chronicles. Thus it is a key term in this book. I take up questions that come up in connection with the phrase “to seek the LORD”.


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